Elliott Kalan ("The Flop House") currently serves as executive producer for Netflix's upcoming "Ghostbusters" cartoon. He's been the head writer for "MST3K" and "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" and a writer for "Housebroken". His children's books are "Horse Meets Dog" and "Sharko...
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Dan McCoy ("The Flop House") was an Emmy-winning writer for "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart", as well as "The Daily Show with Trevor Noah" and "Hell of a Week with Charlemagne tha God". He founded "The Flop House" back when podcasts were young, thinking "I should get in on this...
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Stuart Wellington ("The Flop House") is a podcaster and bartender. He owns Hinterlands Bar and Minnie’s Bar with his wife Sharlene, both located in Brooklyn, NY. Stuart is also known for guest appearances on "The Adventure Zone" podcast and the hit films "Frankie Freako" and "PG...
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Sunday January 19, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm PST
Cobb's Comedy Club
915 Columbus Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94133